Massage Therapy Frequently Asked Questions


Please try to schedule an appointment 7-14 days in advance. If there is an emergent issue that arises, please contact me to discuss scheduling.

How soon can I make an appointment?

What should I expect?

Please come to your appointment hydrated.  Start the day before by drinking plenty of water with lemon or lime or take electrolytes with your water. If you are sore after your appointment, you are not drinking enough.

I use a heated table, cotton flannel sheets, and blankets.  The temperature of the room is cool in the summer and warm in the winter.   Lying still on a massage table, your body temperature will drop.  Most clients find after about 20-30 minutes, they are cool and prefer a warm table and blanket.  I can easily adjust the temperature to your comfort level.

Will it hurt?

That depends.  Many people come to me saying they want deep tissue massage.  Touch varies with each therapist.  I can work deep without it hurting. However, if your fascial tissue is "stuck", there might be some slight discomfort.  Iā€™m always watching your breath.   If you can not breathe with the touch, it is too much pressure for the nervous system.   The nervous system is in charge, not your brain.  

What should I wear?
Do I undress?

You are welcome to undress to your comfort level. After discussing the session, I will leave the room and go wash my hands. You will have plenty of time to undress and get on the table. I always knock and wait for your "ok" before entering.  You will always be draped/covered. The only body part exposed is the body part that I am working on. However, you will always be draped.  For some of the modalities I offer, you can remain in your clothes. I ask that you wear workout or yoga attire for your comfort. Some clients bring a change of clothes with them, especially if coming from work. Once the session is over, I will let you know , and leave the room. You will then get dressed and open the door when you are ready to check out. 

You can usually workout or exercise the next day. Please plan to do nothing but a light walk to integrate the session once the session is over.  A warm bath is always a great way to incorporate the bodywork, in addition to drinking water.

When can I workout?